After the Festival (by all accounts a great day)(so hot!) I arrived home late and sunburned to find the tall bloke much chirpier than I had expected, after the obvious disappointment of the day. He said it was typical England and he was used to it. Well, that is very philosophical of you tall man, but what's for dinner tonight? Steak and chips was the short answer, which didn't exactly fill me with inspiration. I get the Argentinian connection, but considering the quality of research and creativity so far, I have come to expect more. However, ever the epitome of tact and diplomacy, I said nothing. What arrived on my plate moments later, was so impressive, as to make me very glad I never mentioned my inner thoughts. Tall bloke had made a red peppper chimichurri - a summery, tasty accompaniment to a perfectly grilled steak (the rarer side of medium) and home made chips.
Those chips looks FABULOUS!