Chile played valiantly, but the only criticism of the Brazil team by the ITV pundits was the size of their goalie's shorts. For tonight's dinner the tall bloke prepared a meal from the cuisine of Chile. For our starter, he had made empanada pastry from scratch and filled it with cheese, onion, garlic and nutmeg.
Here is the recipe for the dough, tall bloke said he made the "con queso" filling from another recipe: soften the onions in butter and add the garlic, then allow to cool. When cooled, spoon inside the onion mix with the cheese and nutmeg, into the rolled out dough. Form into small pasty shapes and bake in oven for 10 mins or until brown.
I made a salsa from onions, tomatoes, red chilli, cucumber, a squeezed lime, salt and pepper, which was a lovely accompaniment to the hot empanada.
For our main dish, the tall bloke prepared a Chilean rice and chicken in "caldo". Caldo is the Spanish word for a meat gravy, only don't imagine it is the same as the British brown version, this is an almost translucent juice, but it is highly delicious and a really lovely change.
I highly recommend these dishes. I loved the empanada (anything with pastry or bread!) and tall bloke said that he would repeat these, but add different fillings, such as tomato and ground beef.